Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Teaching Responsibilities

As a Teaching Assistant at Boston College Earth and Environmental Science department I was responsible for teaching labs and guiding discussions/field trips in 6 geology/geophysics courses with up to 110 students enrolled. I assisted professors researching news and developing stories related to topics discussed in lecture, selecting audiovisual content, and offering technological setup for lectures.

In some of the classes I was in charge with 30% of the students' final grade and I was given a list of topics from the professor with the concepts the students should be familiar with by the end of the course. I structured the labs/discussions around the lectures emphasizing the concepts highlighted by the professors. I made syllabuses with a timeline for all weekly activities including attendance/grading policy and I crafted either lab experiments or discussion activities by conducting independent research on topics covered during lecture. I had ready a draft for a week's activity a week before it was due allowing sufficient time for the professor to revise or modify and then I carried along the activities with little supervision.

During field trips I helped with logistics and budgeting prior the trip, maintaining discipline and safe work conditions during field activities, and helped with clean up and making follow up questions for the students after each trip. For lab experiments, I made sure students were familiar with lab equipment, understand what was going to be done by sharpening observation and analytical skills, and also made them comfortable and confident on their capabilities by offering consulting prior and during the experiment, also I made sure all experimentations were conducted independently on a safe environment.

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